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treatability for process waste water in vadodara | treatability for process application in gujarat | water purification in india | waste water treatment company in vadodara

A q u a r i u s

Treatability for Process Application

A. Comprehensive adequacy audits for existing ETPs and recycling plants, in order to determine the potential of the plant’s performance to be improved

  • In-depth studies by experts
  • Undertake incoming effluent characterisation based on present and future expansion plans
  • Re-establish design basis
  • Identify bottlenecks/gaps in the existing treatment processes and operations
  • Recommend techno-commercially viable options for system up gradation
  • Pilot trials, lab trials are conducted if required
  • Provide detailed adequacy report.

B. Treatability and pilot studies.

Treatability and pilot studies are used to assess the feasibility of different treatment schemes

  • The studies can be for primary, secondary, or tertiary treatment
  • The studies can also be targeted for removal of specific impurities or recovery of high value chemicals from the wastewater
  • This is the ideal way to minimise technical risks before the implementation of a full scale project

C. Process optimisation studies.

  • Process optimization studies are designed to enhance the existing treatment process to minimize process upsets and to improve system efficiency
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